

Boston GlobeBoston Globe October 18, 2012. Networking Goes Niche.  Quick story about the launch of The Luncheon Society in Boston.


Dave Pell NeNext DraftxtDraft/November 2011. This is a wonderful post published by Dave Pell of NextDraft about the death of Christopher Hitchens. Hitch joined us twice over the years and they were amazing gatherings. February 18, 2010  Managing Editor Ted Johnson provides the daily dose with contributions from reporters in L.A. and D.C. In his column “Wilshire and Washington” that took us back to a Luncheon Society gathering with Gary Hart in 2007. 


Chief Culture Officer, (Basic Books) December 1, 2009 Grant McCracken’s new book Chief Culture Officer, argues that a CCO would keep a finger on the pulse of contemporary cultural trends. McCracken is an anthropologist who now trains some of the biggest companies and consulting firms. CCO named one of BusinessWeek’s “best design and innovation books of 2009;” linkhere.  From page 192 from Grant McCracken’s new book, Chief Culture Officer


9. BOB MCBARTON AND HIS FRIENDS created something miraculous: proof that access is possible, that good, stout conversation is there for the asking. McBarton and friends created something called The Luncheon Society. They invite interesting people like Abu Ghraib military prison commander Janis Karpinski, physicist Brian Greene, former Secretary of State Warren Christopher, writer Christopher Hitchens, and Melba Pattillo Beals and Terrence Roberts, who were members of the Little Rock Nine, a group of African American teenagers who were sent to the all-white Little Rock Central High School during The Civil Rights movement. Some years ago McBarton staged a luncheon in which movie critic Roger Ebert told stories for four and a half hours at Michael’s restaurant in Santa Monica. “Think of the Luncheon Society like a college survey course,” McBarton said. “But there are no tests, the food is a lot better, and you’ve learned something at the end.” September 1, 2009 Managing Editor Ted Johnson provides the daily dose with contributions from reporters in L.A. and D.C. In his column “Wilshire and Washington” and it highlights the enduring relationship between entertainment and politics with contributions from reporters in L.A. and D.C. 


Publisher’s Weekly May 26, 2009.  Enclosed is a wonderful story on The Luncheon Society, which really captured its spirit, written by Wendy Werris of Publisher’s Weekly.


woc_bannerWinds of January 30, 2009.
Marc Danziger wrote a great blog post on The Luncheon Society gathering  that celebrated the fifth anniversary of the landings of both Mars Rovers on the red planet. It was a great night in Los Angeles.


Contra Costa Times June 27, 2007. An oldie, but goodie. Lisa Vorderbrueggen wrote a nice piece about the tenth anniversary of The Luncheon Society, with the originals, Bob McBarton, Tim Farley and Tom Koch.


San Francisco Chronicle June 27, 2003.  Here is a note Leah Garchik wrote about The Luncheon Society in The San Francisco Chronicle for an earlier gathering with George McGovern, back when we were still called The Luncheon Project.


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